Bubbles, Bears, and Bananas – Butterflies and Bread

We studied the letter B in more ways than one!


Our Waldorf curriculum for Kindergarten suggested the use of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as our story:

This particular book is pretty inexpensive and has colorful, more traditional, illustrations. This book helped us dive into bears, but also brought up conversations of comparison (hotter/colder/softer/harder etc) AND (surprisingly) how it isn’t right to take something without asking.

To follow up on the story we did some bear activities:

We built a bear backpack, which came in the camping Koala Crate. (I loved when we had this subscription. I would collect the crates and then find ways to add the different parts to our lessons. It was an easy way to add some hands on activities.)

Lastly, we made bear sun catchers. I found a fox & bear sun catcher pack at Target in the arts and craft section (we saved the foxes for the letter F).

Banana Bread:

This recipe has been in my family forever. We would make banana breads and cookie platters in December and hand them out to all of the neighbors on our block. Making banana bread always brings me back to that time. You can find the recipe here.


What kid doesn’t love playing with bubbles? We used bubbles to introduce the scientific method, to practice measurements, and to make some pretty fun art pieces. Find more about our bubble making adventures here.


Butterflies offered us our first look into metamorphosis and the idea of life cycles. We did a TON of activities that were inspired by butterflies. Find more on our butterfly lesson here.

There are some great printables for the letter B on Teacher Pay Teachers. We used the Phonics Letter of the Week pack, which includes the Missing Letter B book and many other activities. Best of all, it is free for those of us on a tight budget!

We hope you have gained some inspiration for your own letter study lessons! Please feel free to share any ideas for future letter study projects below!

Happy homeschooling!

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