Speech therapy has been a journey for us. Since having to switch therapists due to a move, I found myself reaching more and more for other ways to assist my son in his speech practice. There are amazing speech therapists on Youtube like Peachie Speechie who have made phenomenal downloadable workbooks to help with specific problems. I have found the following products to be beneficial in working through the exercises:

Auditory Feedback Phone

The Auditory Feedback Phone is used in classrooms as well as at home. It is low cost and allows your student to hear themselves so that they can compare what sound they are producing to the target sound. This is a great resource not only for speech, but for foreign language and reading practice as well.

Mouth Model with Hinge

The mouth model is a great tool for describing to your student where their tongue should be when producing a sound. There are many options available online for a mouth model, but I find that one with a hinge that opens wide to be preferable. Try using playdough or a pink glove to simulate the tongue movement!