Did you know that there are around 150 known varieties of Basil out there?! With so many to choose from, it’s no wonder basil has become among one of the most commonly used herbs…but that wasn’t always the story for basil. In fact, if you were to work with Basil during medieval times, some might question your motives. It was once considered a dangerous plant to work with, many believing it was related to the legendary basilisk. Once a herb feared by many, it is now a kitchen staple.

Growing basil can be done indoors, though it is slow growing, so patience is required. Below you will find a few tips and tricks for growing basil as well as some common uses.


-Basil is best grown in humus rich soil

-Take care not to overwater

-Only harvest a small amount of basil at a time

-Pick leaves often and as soon as they are big enough to use

-Cut off flowers as they appear to encourage growth


Basil has MANY uses, here are just a few to get you started-

WART REMOVAL can be encouraged by placing a basil leaf over the wart and securing in place with medical tape

Many STINGS can be soothed with some fresh crushed basil applied to the area to help draw out the venom.

Water, which has been boiled with basil, can sooth many common ailments such as a SORE THROAT and INDIGESTION. It is also claimed that basil in this form can help reduce fevers and cold symptoms, but I have yet to try it out myself. πŸ˜‰

NATURAL STRESS RELIEVER- who else out there finds themselves clenching their teeth at some point throughout the day?! Anyone? Well put down that Xanax bar and get yourself some fresh basil! Some claim that chewing 8-10 fresh basil leaves, twice a day, can help reduce stress and anxiety. I definitely need to put this one to the test! (Update to follow)

With so many uses for fresh basil, it is a wonder why I haven’t had a fresh plant in my kitchen for years! Let me know if you have found any of your own uses for basil in the comments below!



****I am in no way a medical professional. Please consult with a doctor before trying any home remedies listed on this site.****