So…what is a living list, you ask? 

You may have already guessed; living lists are lists that keep growing.

That is the purpose of my book list…to grow. With my children, and with our learning, our living lists will grow over time. 

I always thought I would own a bookstore, but perhaps, since bookstores seem to be (sadly) disappearing, this is the next best thing. 

All of the books listed on our living lists are books that have made their way into our home or are books that I have found extremely valuable as a resource when guiding learning. I hope you find them useful as well, and if you find something you know you need in your home, I hope you will consider clicking on the book pictures in the blog posts. This is a free-to-you, and a very much appreciated way to support our blog and homeschool journey. 

Warmest wishes on your own homeschool journey. I hope to see you again soon.

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