Many of us are familiar, somewhat unfortunately, with the use of aloe vera for burns; but did you know that there are many more uses for aloe vera?


Use aloe vera as a shampoo to speed up hair growth and reduce dandruff. You can also leave it on the hair as a conditioning agent.


Aloe vera can be used to treat sunburn, bug bites, itching, dry skin, eczema, rashes, blisters, acne, psoriasis, and to achieve a fresh, bright complexion.


The leaves can be used to treat asthma, by breathing in vapors from boiling leaves, and the juice can help with the digestive tract, for those who experience diarrhea or constipation. It can help reduce acid reflux and lower cholesterol, among many other ailments.

It is important to note, like all plants, it is important to practice caution and to speak with a qualified health professional before use. I am no doctor and do not pretend to be. This is simply information that I have gathered in my studies of the aloe vera plant.

Pregnant, women who are nursing, children under 12 years of age, patients with inflammatory bowel disease, patients with intestinal obstruction, and elderly patients should not use aloe vera.

Peace and love to you all,

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****I am in no way a medical professional. Please consult with a doctor before trying any home remedies listed on this site.****